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The link of the latest version, Download  

 LCOD / EP iLogic Viewer/CAD V1.X

What is [ProductID]

    ProductID with your e-mail address is a starting code of registering production. After [ProductID], author (Ivan Perng: epOffice) shall record your registered information. After applying for product identification, we shall send you ProductID in two business days.  When you have ProductID that you can register your product and be licensed to continue use after evaluation.  Ivan Perng (epOffice) shall provide Internal Releasing Information to you. 

<Outside Taiwan with Paypal>   on Paypal, [Donation | Subscribe] to pay expense for ProductID !!

<In Taiwan>

     ProductIDs -- EP iLogic Viewer/CAD V1.X

      Payment -- Register ProductIDs on Ruten.